Calender of the Vikings – Business
Summer and winter were the only two seasons available to the Vikings, as opposed to the four we enjoy now. The Gregorian calendar, instituted by Pope Gregory XIII in October 1582, does not split the year into months as most countries do today (13).
This indicates that they numbered months backwards from one new moon to another, much as we do now with a solar calendar. In Scandinavia, the word “moon” (Danish “mned”) is still used to refer to the month. However, other European countries, like as Germany, also use the term “month” to refer to the moon.
Despite the Vikings’ reliance on the moon for weather forecasting, the sun played a more significant influence. Indeed, the sun is not just a source of light in Scandinavia, but also a source of life. To cultivate crops, one must labor the ground during the daytime hours when the sun is at its peak.
Old Norse names for the months
In Old Norse, it means November .
This month is known as “slaughter month,” and on the first day of this month a festival known as “Winter Blót” is held. This celebration is held in honor of the God Freyr and as a way to express gratitude to him for the bounty he provided.
November in Old Norse
The second month of winter is known as Yule, and it is one of the most well-known months of the year. Jólnir, one of Odin’s numerous names, is derived from the term Jól, which signifies that he is linked to this month. Odin visits to Midgard more frequently during this time of year than he does at any other time of year. Socks filled with hay will be given to Odin’s horse Sleipnir in exchange for a modest gift. Yule is also associated with fertility and, in mythology, was a time for planting crops.
In Old Norse, this is the month of January.
The word “fat,” most likely referring to animal fat, is related with the third winter month of January. Bone marrow sucking month, that’s what some people are calling it. The winter solstice, which occurs on December 21st this year, marks the beginning of the month.
The month of February in Norse mythology
Winter’s fourth month, Thorri, is the time for the Torrablot festival. To honor Thorri, she leaves the house and brings him in as a guest for a night before the start of the new year. A winter spirit or other supernatural being may have been Thorrir. Because it’s also “Men’s Month,” any man can pick a day to celebrate, but if that day happens to be a bad one, it could be taken as a foreboding sign. As far as I can tell, this is a holiday that is always observed in Iceland and is mostly held for the benefit of close friends and family members.
It’s true that during this time of year, you can find restaurants in Iceland serving traditional cuisine, but you’ll likely need an iron gut to eat them there. In which case, you might want to steer clear of lamb’s head meat jelly, ram’s testicles, and rotten shark. Thorri, a seasonal brew, and many shots of brennivn, often known as “black death,” are always on hand to wash it all down. This distilled schnapps is widely regarded as Iceland’s unmistakable spirit.
In Old Norse, the month of March is referred to GÓI.
Historically, the fifth month of winter has been linked to Thorri’s daughter and a Gói blót, but the details are hazy. The month of March is frequently referred to as “women’s month.”
During the month of April in Old Norse language.
In the winter, the sixth and last month of the year is referred to as “the month of the boy.”
It’s May in Norse.
During the month of Harpa, the third-largest blót is held, known as the summer blót. Odin, the god of war, is the focus of this event. Using this blót, they can be certain of both victory in battle and good fortune on their journeys. Because Harpa is a female given name, the month is devoted to females. In Iceland, people are still calling each other by the moniker Harpa.
In Old Norse, it’s the month of June.
Despite the fact that Skerpla is a female name, the origins of this name are unknown, as the word Skerpla may allude to the growth of a plant or other plant-like creature. Fan of nordic mythology ? Take a look at this viking jewelry specialist.
Old Narcarian in July
When it comes to the light, Scandinavia shines brightest during the third month of summer, known as “the month of the sun.” Summer solstice, which occurs on June 21, occurs during this month.
The month of August in Old Norse
The month of haymaking, or the month of drying and gathering hay, occurs in the middle of the summer and is sometimes referred to as the “month of worms.”
Old Norse has the month of September as its official month.
The final month of summer is known as harvest season. According to the names of the months, the Vikings were primarily farmers who relied heavily on the weather for their livelihoods. Since it is a lunar calendar, the dates also change from year to year.
October in Old Norse.
Harvest month is the final month of summer. According to the names of the months, the Vikings were primarily farmers who relied heavily on the weather for their livelihoods. Since it is a lunar calendar, the dates also change from year to year.
As we do today, the Vikings measured years based on significant occurrences. “Two years since the Battle of Paris” could be an illustration of this.
It is common nowadays for most days of the week to be identified with a Norse deity; not all, of course, but most of them.
Vikings were such sun worshipers that they created a day for the sun and the first day of the week, Sunday. Solhjul, or sun wheel, is a term used to describe sun symbols found on many rune stones and jewelry pieces. The importance of the sun to the Vikings can be understood by anyone who currently resides in or has previously lived in a cold climate.
Keeping track of time was also important to the Vikings, as the moon had its own day, Monday. Today is “Mandag” in Denmark and “Montag” in Germany, both of which derive their names from the Danish word for “mond.
Tuesday is known as Tirsdag in Scandinavian countries like Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, and is therefore known as Tyr’s Day.
Wotan, which means “Odin” in Germanic, is the modern word for “Wednesday,” and thus Wednesday is the “day of Odin.”
Donnerstag (Thursday) is the Germanic word for “day of thunder,” which is derived from the word “Donar,” which was Thor’s name in Germanic cultures.
Frigg or Freya may be the inspiration behind the name Friday, but the evidence is mixed. Due to the fact that some regions revered Frigg more than Freya, and vice versa, this may be the reason.
Some people refer to Saturday as “Loki’s day,” but this is not the case. There is no evidence to back up this claim. However, many historians agree that the Vikings referred to Saturday as “Laugardagur” in their era. Although I’m not Icelandic, the way I pronounce it is probably not accurate, that’s how they still call it there. However, in Denmark, it is referred to as Lrdag. The name translates to “pool day” or “bathing day.” As a society, the Vikings were probably more hygienic than other cultures at the time because they weren’t just filthy barbarians.