A Guide to Managing Remote Teams Effectively


When the deadly Covid-19 virus stepped it about a quarter of employees started working from home in the USA. In India too, the entire workforce had to shift from a proper work environment to their homes.

The process of remote working surely had some negative as well as positive consequences for each of the employees and employers. In the beginning, the negative consequences were much more arising than the positive ones. Employees were feeling distant and de-attached from their work and their productivity levels also decreased to a great extent. They had several Mental Health issues arising and some of them even gave up during this process.

There are always some essential things that an employer/manager must keep in mind in order to ensure proper working of his/her staff. Let us discuss some basic ways in which these remote workers can be managed effectively.

Some Basic yet Essential Steps towards Remote Managing

  • Daily Check-in – It is always the duty of a manager to keep an eye on the productive levels of an employee. He/she should ensure the proper functioning of the team and also the good Mental Health of his/her employees.

You can always schedule a video call once a day or even a WhatsApp chat so that your employees feel that they have you and move towards their goal with more motivation and enthusiasm.

  • Outputs not Process – We all know that during remote work employees try to manage a lot around themselves along with the official work. One must always consider them as human and not look at the amount of time that they spend on working but what the output they give on the particular task.

One employee must look really distracted in the zoom calls but he/she might give excellent work on a particular project. Do not be harsh on your employees.

  • Take advantage of Technology – When you are not able to have a face-to-face interaction with your employees then also no worries. Take great advantage of technology and start using the employee monitoring software to keep a close check on their work and levels of productivity.

An employee monitoring software would really help out the employer by providing him/her the details of the employee effectively and accurately. It would exactly tell the amount of productive an employee has been throughout the day and for how much time he/she had not worked at all.

  • Build the trust – While working from home the employees undergo a lot. It is really important for a manager/employer to have faith in his/her employees. Let them finish the task as per their schedule. Just do not let them feel alone and doubted.


Employees are also, humans. Give them your trust and motivation and they will surely reach the heights!